Many postdoc appointments do not include teaching responsibilities, however, teaching experience will likely make you more competitve if you choose to pursure a career as a faculty member. If you are interested in gaining teaching experience during your postdoctoral training, we encourage you to first speak with your PI to gain their support. Be prepared to discuss how teaching during your postdoctoral appointment will help you reach your career goals and how it will effect your research productivity.
If you have the support of your PI to pursue teaching opportunities, you might then consider reaching out to your Department Chair. They will be able to help connect you with teaching opportunites. Consider asking your Department Chair about taking on teaching duties for faculty on sabatical or leave.
Resources to help you improve your teaching & teaching statements:
Center for Teaching Excellence
UF's Preparing Future Faculty Program (offered online each Spring and in person on Gainesville's main campus each fall)
Center for the Integration of Reseach, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL) - UF is part of the CIRTL network, giving all postdocs access to CIRTL trainings and certifications. The UF Center for Teaching Excellence leads a selection of CIRTL trainings that guide you as you develop your teaching skills and ultimately publish your own pedagogical research results.
Center for Instructional Technology and Training (CITT)
UFIT Training - Includes information about using LinkedIn Learning (formerly training resources, which are Free for the UF Community.
Updated June 20, 2022